xxx -> xxx xxx (xx) xxx.
Baluka -> Bambusa balcooa Roxb.
Betuaa -> Bambusa polymorpha Munro
Butmah -> Cicer arietinum L.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
Devo baans -> Guadua angustifolia Kunth
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
Kaataa -> Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Willd.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
Miratenagaa -> Bambusa tulda Roxb.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
Tavaaii -> Melocanna baccifera (Roxb.) Kurz
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
no reliable name recorded so far.
xxx -> xxx xxx (xxx.) xxx.
Bradley David 2001, Database Burmese Plant Names, Department of Linguistics, LaTrobe University. (Unpublished)
E.B.S. Netherland, 2001, European Bamboo Society, Nederlands Branch < > & < >.
Ohrnberger D. (Dieter), 1999, The Bamboos of the World, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdan, The Netherlands.
The names in this index (in construction) have not been submitted to as much scrutiny as others such as the Russian or Chinese names. Some spelling mistakes may be present in either the Assamese names or their romanised forms (or both). Comments are sought on spelling variations.
Date created: 28 / 02 / 2002
Authorised by Prof. Snow Barlow
Last modified: 01 / 03 / 2002
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2002 The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher