Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
colocynthis (L.) Schrad.
SYNONYM(S) : Colocynthis vulgaris Schrad., Cucumis colocynthis L.
DANISH : Kolokvint.
DUTCH : Kolokwint, Kolokwintappel, Kwintappel, Bitterappel.
ENGLISH : Wild gourd, Colocynth, Bitter apple, Vine of Sodom.
FRENCH : Coloquinte.
GERMAN: Koloquinte, Bitterzitrulle.
GREEK : Kolokunthis.
HEBREW : אֲבַטִּיחַ הַפַּקּוּעָה , אבטיח הפקועה
HINDI : Indrayan, Tumba.
ITALIAN : Coloquintide, Cocomero amaro.
NEPALESE : Indrenii.
PERSIAN : هندوانه Hinduwāna ?
PORTUGUESE : Colocíntida (Brazil), Coloquíntida (Portugal).
SPANISH : Coloquíntida,
Coloquínta, Alhandal (?), Tuera (?).
TAMIL : கொம்மட்டி Kommaṭṭi, பலம் Palam
SYNONYM(S) : Colocynthis ecirrhosus (Cogn.) Chakrav.
ENGLISH : Namib desert wild watermelon.
lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. &
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus vulgaris Schrad. ex Ecklon & Zeyher, Colocynthis citrullus (L.) O. Kuntze, Cucurbita citrullus L., Momordica lanata Thunb.
ENGLISH : Wild melon.
NEPALESE : Tarabuujaa
Note : The specific name Citrullus lanatus (ISTA) is generally used by most authors in place of Citrullus lanatus subsp. vulgaris var. vulgaris (PROSEA) or Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus (GRIN, Wiersema & León) to describe the commonly cultivated watermelon. Indeed the new rules of commercial nomenclature encourage a combination of this specific name with a group name (optional) and a cultivar name. See next 2 sets of records below and notes on group names.
(Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Citroides
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai subsp. lanatus var. citroides (L.H. Bailey) Mansf., Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai var. citroides (L.H. Bailey) Mansf., Citrullus vulgaris Schrad. var. citroides L.H. Bailey
liao xi gua,
Gua zi
xi gua.
ENGLISH : Fodder melon, Preserving melon, Citron melon (USA), Stock melon (USA).
FRENCH : Coloquinte, Pastèque fourragère, Melon fourrager.
GERMAN: Futtermelone.
Shiryou suika.
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Citroides
Group) 'Red
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai cv. 'Red Seeded Citron'
zi gua zi xi gua.
ENGLISH : 'Red-Seeded' preserving melon, Red-seeded citron.
FRENCH : Pastèque à graine rouge.
Photograph at The Cucurbit Network - Plant Family Cucurbitaceae. Citrullus lanatus (select "Watermelon" and scroll down the page to the gif. image).
lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Lanatus
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai var. caffer (Schrad.) Mansf., Citrullus caffer Schrad.
ENGLISH : Tsamma watermelon, Kalahari watermelon, South-African watermelon, Wild watermelon.
NEPALESE : Tarabuujaa
Sometimes integrated into Citrullus lanatus (Vulgaris Group) or Citrullus lanatus, in new nomenclature.
(Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Vulgaris
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai var. lanatus, Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai subsp. vulgaris (Schrad.) Fursa var. vulgaris, Citrullus edulis Spach.
ENGLISH : Common watermelon, Cultivated watermelon.
AFRIKAANS : Waatlemoen.
ARABIC : بَطِّيخ Battikh (baṭṭīḫ), بطيخ أحمر Battikh ahmar (red-fleshed), Bateekh, Betteakh (Egypt).
ARMENIAN : Awaiting feedback.
ASSAMESE : Awaiting feedback.
BEMBA : Awaiting feedback.
BENGALI : তরমুজ Taramuj, Tormuj.
BULGARIAN : Диня Dinia.
BURMESE : Awaiting feedback.
CATALAN : Sindriera.CHINESE : Xi gua
Cantonese Si koa),
yong xi gua, Choei koa, Ts'ing
teng koa, Han koa, Hia koa.
CROATIAN : Lubenica.
CZECH : Cukrový meloun, Lubenice meloun, Lubenice obecná, Meloun vodní, Vodní meloun.
DANISH : Vandmelon.
DUTCH : Watermeloen.
ENGLISH : Watermelon, Water melon.
ESTONIAN : Arbuus, Vesimelon.
FINNISH : Vesimeloni, Arpuusi.
FRENCH : Melon d'eau, Pastèque.
GERMAN: Wassemelone (East Germany), Wassermelone (Switzerland) , Gewöhnliche Wassermelone, Wasserzitrulle, Wasser-melone.
GREEK : Kαρπούζι Karpusi, Karpouzia (Cyprus).
GUJARATI : ઇંદ્રક Indrak, તરબૂચ Tarabuucha.
HEBREW : אבטיח Avatiach, Avatiach pashut.
HINDI : Kharbuza ( kharmuja), तरबूज Tarabūja, तरबूज़ Tarabuuza (Tarbooz, Tarbuj, Tarbuz, Tarmuj).
HUNGARIAN : Görögdinnye.
ICELANDIC : Vatnsmelóna.
ITALIAN : Anguria, Cocomero (Tuscany), Melone d'acqua, Pastecca.
suika (Shokuyô
Shokuyou suika,
Shokuyou suika.
KANNADA : Kallangadi balli.
KHMER : 'öö'w llök.
KIKUYU : Awaiting feedback.
KOREAN : 수박 Su bak (Soo bahk).
LAOTIAN : Môô, Tèèng môô.
Tikrasis arbūzas.
MACEDONIAN : Lubenica.
MALAY : Tembikai, Mendikai, Pokok tembikai, Semangka (Indonesia), Cimangko (Indonesia), Watesan (Java).
MALAYALAM : തണ്ണീര് മത്തന് , തണ്ണീര് മത്തന് .
MARATHI : टरबूज Tarabuuja.
NEPALESE : तरबूजा Tarabuujaa (Tarbuja).
NORWEGIAN : Vannmelon.
PERSIAN : هندوانه Hinduwāna, تربوز Tarbuz, خربوزه Xarbuza, Raqqi ?
POLISH : Arbuz, Kawon.
PORTUGUESE : Melancia, Melância.
PUNJABI : ਤਰਬੂਜ Tarabuuja.
ROMANIAN : Harbuz, Lubeniţă, Pepene verde.
RUSSIAN : Арбуз Arbuz, Арбуз обыкновенный Arbuz obyknovennyj, Arbuz stolovyj.
SANSKRIT : खर्बूज Kharabūja, तरम्बुज Tarambuja
SERBIAN : Лубеница Lubenitsa.
SINHALESE : Awaiting feedback.
SLOVAKIAN : Dyňa červená, Vodový melón.
SLOVENIAN : Lubenice.
SPANISH : Sandía (Spain), Melón de agua (Cuba), Albudeca (?).
SUNDANESE : Samangka.
SWAHILI : Mtango, Mtikiti.
SWEDISH : Vattenmelon.
TAGALOG : Pakwan.
TAMIL : பலம் Palam, வத்தாக்கு Vattākku.
TELUGU : పుచ్చ , పుచ్చకాయ, Eriputccha.
THAI : Taeng chin (Peninsular Thailand), แตงโม Taeng moh (Central Thailand), Matao (Northern Thailand).
TURKISH : Karpuz.
UKRAINIAN : Кавун Kavun.
URDU : تربوجا .
VIETNAMESE : Dưa hấu (pref. name), Dưa hấu ruột đỏ (red-fleshed), Dưa hấu ruột vàng (Yellow-fleshed).
Types : Red-fleshed, Yellow-fleshed, Cream-fleshed, White-fleshed, Orange-fleshed, Seedless, Round-fruited, Oblong-fruited.
Photographs. A kaleidoscope of flesh & skin colours at the Seed Savers Exchange seed outlet USA.
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Vulgaris
Group) 'Cream of
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai cv. 'Cream of Saskatchewan'
ENGLISH : 'Cream of Saskatchewan' watermelon.
FRENCH : Pastèque de Saskatshewan à chair crème, Pastèque du Canada 'Crème de Saskatshewan'.
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Vulgaris
Group) 'Moon &
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai cv. 'Moon & Stars', Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai subsp. vulgaris (Schrad.) Fursa (Russian Group) cv. 'Moon & Stars'
xing xi gua.
ENGLISH : 'Moon & Stars' watermelon.
FRENCH : Pastèque de Russie 'Lune Étoilée', Pastèque de Russie 'Lune & Étoiles'.
Photograph of fruit & leaves at Seeds of Change (you may have to navigate within their site and search for "Moon & Stars" if the correct page does not appear first).
Photograph of fruit (close-up) at OSU Watermelon World.
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Vulgaris
Group) 'Orange
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Seedless Group) 'Orange Sweet', Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai subsp. vulgaris (Schrad.) Fursa (Seedless Group) cv. 'Orange Sweet'
ENGLISH : Seedless watermelon 'Orange Sweet'.
FRENCH : Pastèque sans pépin 'Orange Douce'.
Photograph at U.S. Seedless.
Citrullus lanatus
(Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai subsp. lanatus
lanatus ->
Citrullus lanatus
(Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai
(Lanatus Group)
lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum.
& Nakai subsp. lanatus
var. citroides (L.H. Bailey) Mansf.
-> Citrullus
lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum.
& Nakai (Citroides Group)
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai subsp. mucosospermus
zi gua zi xi gua.
ENGLISH : Egusi watermelon, Large-seeded watermelon, West-African watermelon, Wild watermelon.
suika ?
Photograph at The Cucurbit Network - Plant Family Cucurbitaceae. Citrullus lanatus (select "Watermelon" and scroll down the page to the gif. image).
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai subsp. vulgaris (Schrad.)
Fursa var. cordophanus
(Ter-Avan) Fursa
ENGLISH : East-African watermelon, Wild watermelon.
lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum.
& Nakai subsp. vulgaris
(Schrad.) Fursa var. vulgaris
-> Citrullus
lanatus (Thunb.)
& Nakai (Vulgaris
lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum.
& Nakai subsp. vulgaris
(Schrad.) Fursa (Asian
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Asian Group), Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Asiatic Group)
ENGLISH : Asian watermelon.
Citrullus lanatus
Matsum. & Nakai subsp. vulgaris
(Schrad.) Fursa (Eastern
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Eastern Group)
ENGLISH : Middle-Eastern watermelon.
Citrullus lanatus
Matsum. & Nakai subsp. vulgaris
(Schrad.) Fursa (Russian
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Russian Group)
ENGLISH : Russian watermelon.
Citrullus lanatus
Matsum. & Nakai subsp. vulgaris
(Schrad.) Fursa (Seedless
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Seedless Group)
zi xi gua.
ENGLISH : Seedless watermelon.
FRENCH : Pastèque sans pépin.
dot under ô of khong).
Is integrated into Citrullus lanatus (Citroides Group) or Citrullus lanatus (Vulgaris Group) in new nomenclature.
Citrullus lanatus
Matsum. & Nakai subsp. vulgaris
(Schrad.) Fursa (Seedy
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Seedy Group)
zi xi gua.
ENGLISH : Edible-seeded watermelon, Cultivated watermelon.
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)
(Schrad.) Mansf.
-> Citrullus lanatus
(Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai
(Lanatus Group)
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)
(L.H. Bailey) Mansf.
-> Citrullus
lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum.
& Nakai (Citroides Group)
lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai var. fistulosus Duth.
& Full.
SYNONYM(S) : Citrullus lanatus var. fistulosus (Steward) C. R. Babu, Citrullus lanatus var. fistulosus (Stocks) H. L. Chakravarty
ENGLISH : Round gourd.
NEPALESE : Matyangre pharsi, Tindaa
pharsii (Tinda
For other names see the latest preferred (post 2002) botanical name for this crop Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangale
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai var.
lanatus -> See
lanatus (Thunb.)
& Nakai (Vulgaris
Group) for common names in 40
naudinianus (Sonder) J. D. Hooker
SYNONYM(S) : Anthosicyos naudinianus (Sonder) C. Jeffrey
ENGLISH : Spiny-fruited wild watermelon.
We have adopted the group names "Lanatus" for wild and semi-wild African watermelons, "Vulgaris" to cover "edible" cultivars, and "Citroides" to cover the preserving melons and fodder cultivars and we suggest here that these would be sensible options to take. However that does not solve the problem of accomodating other infraspecific levels. Sub-group names would be a logical progression but would defeat the purpose of shortening names. The only advantage would be that Latin names could be replaced by English names. We do not support this linguistic option on the basis that all people of the world will never agree on a universal language, even English. On the other hand most people handling plants have come to the realisation that botanical names are a necessity and even if they do not like it they have already made the effort to learn botanical Latin. The same could not be said of English for example in countries like China, Japan, and parts of India, covering between them over 2 billion people, where the keener anglophiles and anglophones are not necessarily equally interested in plants. There is also in these countries and many others a perceptible growing resentment of "English" agribusiness which has in many instances behaved in an "ethically - challenged" fashion in the centres of bio-diversity of the world.
Similarly to the GRIN list of older Phaseolus vulgaris names, here is a list of watermelon varieties / cultivars, from the Cucurbit Network, in need of matching common names.
Citrullus lanatus var. albidus (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
Citrullus lanatus var. caffrorum (Alefeld) F.R. Fosberg
Citrullus lanatus var. capensis (Alef.) Fursa
Citrullus lanatus var. cordophanus (Ter-Avan.) Fursa
Citrullus lanatus var. fistulosus (Steward) C. R. Babu -> Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangale A
Citrullus lanatus var. fistulosus (Stocks) H.L. Chakravarty -> Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangale A
Citrullus lanatus var. minor (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
Citrullus lanatus var. oblongus (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
Citrullus lanatus var. pulcherrimus (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
Citrullus lanatus var. pumilus (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
Citrullus lanatus var. rotundus (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
Citrullus lanatus var. shami (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
Citrullus lanatus var. variegatus (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
Citrullus lanatus var. virgatus (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
Citrullus lanatus var. viridis (Chakravarty) J.K. Maheshwari
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://eurodic.echo.lu/cgi-bin/edicbin/EuroDicWWW.pl?page=expert > (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Latin with authority names)
I.S.T.A. 1982, Multilingual Glossary of Common Plant - Names, 1. Field Crops, Grasses & Vegetables, Second Edition, International Seed Testing Association, Zurich, Switzerland. p38.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Paje M.M. & van der Vossen H.A.M. 1993, Citrullus lanatus (Thunberg) Matsum. & Nakai, In Siemonsma J.S. & Kasem Piluek (Editors) : Plant Resources of South-East Asia N°8 . Vegetables. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen. pp 144 - 148.
The Cucurbit Network - Plant Family Cucurbitaceae. Citrullus lanatus (Watermelon). < http://www.cucurbit.org/ >.
USDA, ARS, 2000, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?citrullus (26 June 2000). (A number of languages, some romanised, Latin with authority names)
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : Asami Noriko, Akiko Mundy, Marinos Drakopoulos, Edvokia Mavrakis, Alfredo Rocha, Jun Li, Weili Wang, Ione Fett, Uwe Radok, Ruzica Kolenic, Xingren Wu, Paul Cubberley, Emilija Simic, Takako Asaoka, Thanh Nguyen.
Heirloom Seed Company List. List of seed sources in USA linked to web sites & e-mail addresses of many sources. < http://www.interl.net/~waylin47/heirloom/cmpnylst.htm#key >. This is part of the Heirloom Gardening Page site for seed savers < http://www.interl.net/~waylin47/ >. They have also a few pages on Varieties (cultivars) < http://www.interl.net/~waylin47/heirloom/vrieties.htm >. The author libertyordeath@hotmail.com draws heavily on Benjamin Watson's Taylor's Guide to Heirloom Vegetables and to a lesser extent on Sue Strickland's Heirloom Vegetables : A Home Guide to Finding and Growing Vegetables from the Past, but each cultivar listed is linked to a number of seed sources. It is all limited to USA for the time being. Custodians of heirlooms from the rest of the world should be encouraged to contribute names, descriptions, seed sources & photos.
HSCA (Heritage Seed Curators Australia). List of seeds sources in Australia and New Zealand < http://www.ozemail.com.au/~hsca/HSCA_ANZ_Seed_Suppliers.html >.
Modern cultivars for tropical conditions at Tropical Seeds (select "Watermelon & Melons" from "Vegetables" index) < http://www.tropical-seeds.com/ >.
The Cucurbit Network - The Cucurbitaceae. Citrullus lanatus (Watermelon). In their list of interesting links you'll find practically everything you need to know including photographs, taxonomy, cultivation, recipes etc..
OSU Watermelon World, sponsored and maintained by Oklahoma State University' s Wes Watkins, Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Lane, OK, USA. < http://www.lane-ag.org/wm-world/main.htm >. They have links to all sorts of resources related to Citrullus lanatus including an impressive list of cultivars of the world < http://www.lane-ag.org/wm-world/Cultivars/cultivars.htm > with colour photos (many excellent and a few of poor quality).
Date created: 04 / 03 / 1995
Last modified: 06 / 04 / 2011
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2020, The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher