Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
SYNONYM(S) : Coriandrum diversifolium Gilib., Coriandrum globosum Salisb., Coriandrum majus Gouan
AMHARIC : Dembilal (Ethiopia), Dimbilal.
ARABIC : كُزْبَرة Kuzbara, Kuzbura, كزبره .
ARMENIAN : Գինձ Gindz (Kinj, Ginj) Chamem.
ASSAMESE : Awaiting comments.
BENGALI : ধনে Dhane, ধনেপাতা Dhanepaataa (leaves), Dhania, Dhoney.
BULGARIAN : Кориандър Koriandăr.
BURMESE : Nan nan bin (leaves), Nan
nan zee (fruits / seeds).
CHINESE : 胡荽 Hu sui, 香荽 Xiang sui, 芫荽 Yan sui (wan swee).
CROATIAN : Korijander.
CZECH : Koriandr, Koriandr setý.
DANISH : Koriander.
DUTCH : Koriander.
ENGLISH : Chinese-parsley (leaves), Cilantro (leaves), Coriander (fruits / seeds).
FINNISH : Korianteri.
FRENCH : Coriandre (fruits / seeds), Persil arabe (leaves), Grain de coriandre (fruits / seeds), Graine de coriandre (seeds for sowing).
GERMAN : Böbberli (Switzerland), Chinesische Petersilie (leaves), Chrapfechörnli (Switzerland), Indische Petersilie (leaves), Koriander (fruits / seeds), Rügelikümmi (Switzerland), Wanzenkümmel (fruits / seeds), Korianderfrucht, Schwindelkorn, Wanzendill.
GREEK : Κόλιαντρος Koliantros, Κόλιανδρο Koliandro, Κορίανδρο Koriandro, Κορίαννον Koriannon, Κόριον Korion.
GUJARATI : ધાણા Dhana, કોથમીર Kothamiir, Kothmiri, Konphir, Libdhane.
HEBREW : גַּד Gad, גַּד שָׂדֶה Gad sadeh, גד השדה Gad hasadeh, כּוּסְבָּרKusbar.
HINDI : धिनया Dhaniyaa (Dhania, Dhanya, Dhaanya), धनिया जड़ Dhaniyaa jara (roots, Dhaniyā jaṛa) धनिया पत्ता Dhaniyaa pattaa (leaves), Dhania saabut (whole seeds), Dhaanyakam, हरा धनिया Haraa dhaniaa (leaves), कोथमीर Kothamiir.
HUNGARIAN : Cigánypetrezselyem, Kerti koriander, Koriander, Koriandrom, Koriandromfa, Kínai petrezselyem.
ITALIAN : Coriandolo, Coriandro, Seme di coriandolo.
JAPANESE : コエンドロ Koendoro, コリアンダー Koriandaa, Koyendoro.
KANNADA : ಧನಿಯ Dhaniya, Havija, Kambari, ಕೊತ್ತಂಬರಿ Kottambari, ಕೊತ್ತ್ಮ್ಬರಿ Kŏttmbari, Kothambari, Kothambri, Kothmiri bija.
KASHMIRI : Daaniwal, Kothambalari.
KHMER : Chi van suy, Vann sui (Van suy).
KOREAN : 고수 Ko soo (Go su, Ko su).
LAOTIAN : Phàk haawm (phak hom), Phak hom pom.
MALAY : Ketumbar (fruits / seeds), Daun ketumbar (leaves) , Penjilang.
MALAYALAM : കൊത്തമല്ലി Kottamalli, കൊത്തമ്പാല് Kotthampal,, Kothumpalari, Kothumpkalari bija.
MARATHI : Dhanya, Dhana, धने Dhane (fruits / seeds), Kothimber, कोथिंबीर Kothimbir (leaves).
NEPALESE : धनिया
Dhaniyaa (Dhaniya), धनियाँ
, धनियाँ साग Dhaniya
NORWEGIAN : Koriander.
ORIYA : ଧନିଆ Dhania, ଧନିଆ ପତ୍ର Dhania patra (leaves) .
PERSIAN : گشنیز Geshniz (Gšnýz, Geshnes).
POLISH : Kolendra, Kolendra siewna.
PORTUGUESE : Coentro, Coriandro.
PUNJABI : ਧਨੀਆ Dhania, ਹਰਾ ਧਨੀਆ Hara dhania..
ROMANIAN : Coriándru.
RUSSIAN : Кишнец Kishnets (Kišnec), Kишнец посевной Kishnets posevnoi, Kориандр Koriandr, Kориандр посевной Koriandr posevnoi, Koljandra.
SANSKRIT : Dhanayaka, Dhaniyaka, Kusthumbari, Kustumburi.
SERBIAN : Коријандар Korijandar, Кишнец Kišnec.
SINHALESE : Kottamalli, Kotthamallie.
SPANISH : Cilantro, Coriandro, Culantro, Semilla de cilantro.
SWAHILI : Giligilani.
SWEDISH : Koriander.
TAGALOG : Kulantro, Wansuey.
கொத்தமல்லி Kothamali, Kothamalli (leaves), கொய்தமல்லி Kottamalli, Kottamalli
virai, Dhaniya (fruits / seeds).
TELUGU : ధణియాలు Dhaniyalu (dhaṇiyālu, fruits / seeds), కొతిమెర Kotimer (Kŏtimĕr), కొతిమిర Kotimir (leaves), కుస్తుంబురు Kustumburu.
THAI : ต้นผักชี , เม็ด
ผักชื , ใบผักชี Bai
(leaves) , ลูก
ผักชี Luk phak chee
(fruits/seeds), ผักชีไทย Phak
TURKISH : Kişniş (Kishnish).
UKRAINIAN : Коріандр посивний Koriandr posivnij.
URDU : دھنیا Dhaniyaa (Dhania), کوتھمیر Kothamir.
VIETNAMESE : Cây rau mùi, Rau
Coriandrum sativum L. (Microcarpum Group)
SYNONYM(S) : Coriandrum sativum L. var. microcarpum DC.
ENGLISH : Oil coriander, Russian coriander, Small-fruited coriander.
Coriandrum sativum L. (Macrocarpum Group)
SYNONYM(S) : Coriandrum sativum L. var. macrocarpum Alef., Coriandrum sativum L. var. vulgare Alef.
ENGLISH : Large-fruited coriander, Oriental coriander, Tropical coriander.
Diederichsen Axel , 1996, Coriander - Coriandrum sativum L. Promoting the Conservation & Use of Underutilized & Neglected Crops. 5. Institute of Plant Genetics & Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben / International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome. Italy. PDF version at International Plant Genetic Resources Institute < http://www.ipgri.cgiar.org/publications/pdf/375.pdf > .
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://eurodic.echo.lu/cgi-bin/edicbin/EuroDicWWW.pl?page=expert > (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Latin with authority names)
Katzer Gernot, 2005 - 2008, Spices pages -
Coriander. < http://www.uni-graz.at/~katzer/engl/Cori_sat.html
>. ***** One will find an extra 30 names in
languages not covered in the MMPND, as well as all the possible
background on this plant that one can possibly be seeking.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
USDA, ARS, 2000, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl? Coriandrum (11 October 2001).
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
Date created: 12 / 09 / 2001
Last modified: 06 / 05 / 2010
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