Sorting Taiwania  names

Species on this page (A =names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :

Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata
SYNONYM(S) :   Taiwania fushunensis (Yendo) Koidz.
BURMESE :  Tayok-khaung-bin.
CATALAN :  Taiwània, Taiwània de Formosa.
CHINESE :   台湾杉   Tai wan shan.
ENGLISH :  Burmese coffin tree, Coffin tree, Formosan redwood, Myanmar taiwania, Taiwan coffin tree.
FRENCH :  Arbre à cercueil, Taiwania de Formose.
GERMAN :  Taiwanie, Taiwankiefer, Taiwan-Kiefer.
NORWEGIAN :  Taiwania-slekten.
POLISH :  Tajwania kryptomeriopodobna.
RUSSIAN :  Тайвания криптомериевидная  Tayvaniia kriptomerievidnaia.
VIETNAMESE :  Bách tán Đài Loan.

Taiwania flousiana  Gaussen
SYNONYM(S) :  Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata var. flousiana (Gaussen) Silba Taiwania yunnanensis Koidzumi
BURMESE :  Tayok-khaung-bin.
CATALAN :  Taiwània de la Xina.
ENGLISH :  Burmese coffin tree, Chinese coffin tree, Coffin tree, Northern Myanmar taiwania.
FRENCH :  Arbre à cercueil, Taiwania de Chine, Taiwania du nord de la Birmanie.
GERMAN :  Chinesische Taiwanie.

This is considered as a synonym of  Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata by the Chinese Flora. Some authors prefer to separate the two, based on the variations in distribution of the species.


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Date created: 01 / 03 / 2010
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Last modified: 26 / 05 / 2010
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