Sorting Jatropha names

Species on this page (
A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :

Jatropha cathartica Terán & Berland.

SYNONYM(S) :  Adenoropium berlandieri (Torr.) Small, Jatropha berlandieri Torr., Jatropha cathartica Griseb.

ENGLISH :  Berlandier's nettlespurge .

FRENCH :  Médicinier carthartique.

ITALIAN :  Giatrofa catarcita.

JAPANESE :    ニシキサンゴ , 錦 珊瑚

RUSSIAN :  Ятрофа Живот Будды    (as J. berlandieri).

Jatropha capensis (L.f.) Sond.

SYNONYM(S) :  Croton capensis L.f.

JAPANESE :   恵 比寿大黒 .

PORTUGUESE :  Jetrofa da África do Sul.

Jatropha curcas L.

SYNONYM(S) :   Castiglionia lobata Ruiz & Pav., Curcas adansonii Endl. ex Heynh., Curcas curcas (L.) Britton & Millsp. , Curcas indica A. Rich.,  Curcas purgans Medic.,  Jatropha acerifolia Salisb.,   Jatropha edulis Cerv.*Jatropha yucatanensis Briq., Ricinus americanus Miller.,  Ricinus jarak Thunb.

AFRIKAANS :  Purgeerboontjie.

ARABIC :  Dand barrî (Egypt), Dand e barri (Iran), Dand e nahri (Iran), Hhabb el mulûk (Egypt), Habb el meluk.

BENGALI :  Bagbherenda, Erandagachh.

CHINESE : 麻风树  Ma feng shu,  麻風樹  Ma feng shu (Taiwan),  麻 疯树  Ma feng shu.

DUTCH :  Purgeernoot.

ENGLISH : Barbados nut, Barbados nut tree, Bed bug plant, Big purge nut, Black vomit nut, Brazilian stinging nut, Bubble bush, Cuban physic nut, Curcas bean, Fig nut, Physic nut, Pig nut, Poison nut, Purgenut, Purging nut, Purging nut tree, Wild castor (India).

FRENCH : Bagani (Mali), Fève d'enfer (Caribbean Islands), Grand médicinier,  Grand pignon d'Inde, Gros ricin,
Herbe du bon dieu (Caribbean Islands), Herbe du diable (Caribbean Islands), Mancenillier béni (Caribbean Islands), Médicinier, Médicinier barrière, Médicinier béni (Caribbean Islands), Médicinier bénit (Haiti), Médicinier des Barbades, Médsynié baryè (corrupted Creole), Médsynié blan (corrupted Creole), Noix américaine (Caribbean Islands), Noix de Barbarie, Noix des Barbades, Noix médicinale, Pignon de Barbarie, Pignon des Barbades, Pignon d'Inde, Plante bouteille, Purghère, Pourghère (Mali), Ricin d'Amérique, Tuteur de vanille.

GERMAN : Purgiernuß, Purgiernußbaum, Schwarzelrechnuß.

HINDI :  Jangli arandi.

ITALIAN :  Fagiolo d'India, Fagiolo di Barberia, Fava purgatrice, Noci di purging, Ricino maggiore.  See note 1.

JAPANESE :   ヤ トロファクルカス  Yatorofa kurukasu.

MARATHI :  Ratanjyot.

NEPALESE : Baghandi, Bathi bal, Hattikane, Nirguni, Sajiba, Sajiva, Sajiyon, Saruva.

PORTUGUESE :  Andythygnaco (Brazil), Figo-do-inferno (Brazil), Grão das ilhas Molucas, Grão das Molucas,  Jetrofa  da Índia, Mandubiguaçú (Brazil), Manduigaçu (Brazil), Mandubi-guaçú, Manduri-graça, Pinhão bravo, Pinhão da Índia, Pinhão-depurga (Brazil), Pinhão-de-cerca (Brazil), Pinhão-de-purga, Pinhão-do-Paraguay, Pinhão-manso, Pinhão-paraguaio (Brazil), Pinheiro-de-purga, Pinheiro-do-inferno, Pulguiera (Cape Verde), Purgante-de-cavalo (Brazil), Purgueira, Purgueirav (Brazil),  Ricino-maior, Semente de purgueira.

RUSSIAN :   Ятрофа  Iatrofa, Ятрофа ядовитая   Iatrofa iadovitaia.

SINHALESE :  Kaddamanakku.

SPANISH :  Arbol de los pinones de Indias, Arbol santo, Avellanes purgantes (Mexico), Frailecillo (Colombia), Frailejón, Piñón (Dominican Republic), Piñón blanco, Piñón botija (Cuba, Dominican Republic), Piñón de purga (Colombia), Purga de fraile (Colombia), Piñon de tempate, Piñón grande,  Piñoncillo (Colombia), Sangregaod (Mexico), Tártago (Puerto Rico), Tempate.

SWAHILI : Mbono (Tanzania), Mbono kaburi (Tanzania).

TAGALOG :  Tubang bakod.

TAMIL :  Kadalamanakku, Kattamanakku.

THAI : Ma yao, Sabu dam, Salot dam, Salot yai, Si lot.

TURKISH :  Mashal hind fıstığı ağaçı, Kurkas.


Jatropha dioica Sessè ex Cerv.

SYNONYM(S) :  Jatropha dioica Cerv., Jatropha spathulata Müll. Arg., Jatropha spathulata (Ort.) Muell.& Arg.

ENGLISH :  Leatherstem.

SPANISH :  Sangre de drago.

Jatropha dissecta (Chodat & Hassler) Pax

JAPANESE :   ヤトロファディ セクタ   Yatorofa disekuta.

Jatropha excisa Griseb.

SPANISH :  Higyera del zorro (Argentina).

Jatropha excisa Griseb. var. excisa

Jatropha excisa Griseb. var. pubescens Lourteig & O'Donell

Jatropha excisa Griseb. var. viridiflora  Lourteig & O'Donell

Jatropha globosa Gaertn.

SYNONYM(S) :  Hyaenanche globosa (Gaertn.) Lamb., Toxicodendrum capense Thunb.

AFRIKAANS : Gifboom.    See note 2.

DUTCH : Gifboom.

ENGLISH :  Cape poison bush, Hyaena poison, Hyaenanche.

FRENCH :  Hyaenanche.

GERMAN :  Hyänengift.

Photograph of seed at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Photograph of leaves at GIFTPFLANZEN.COMpendium.

Jatropha gossypiifolia L.

SYNONYM(S) :  Adenoropium gossypiifolium (L.) Pohl,  Jatropha gossypifolia L., Jatropha gossypiifolia L. var. typica (L.) Crantz,  Manihot gossypiifolia Chodat & Hassl., (L.) Crantz,

ENGLISH : Bellyache bush, Cotton-leaf physic-nut bush, Cotton-leaved jatropha.

FRENCH :  Manioc à feuilles de cotonnier, Médicinier barachin, Petit médicinier (Haiti).

JAPANESE :    ヤトロファゴシピフォリア  Yatorofa goshipiforia.

NEPALESE : Laal baghandi, Sajyon.

RUSSIAN :  Ятрофа гёссипифоля  Iatrofa gessipifolia.

SPANISH :  Frailecillo (Cuba), Frailecito (Cuba), Piñón de España, San Jean del Cobre (Cuba), Túa-túa (Dominican Republic), Yuca cimarrona, Yuca morada, Yuca silvestre.

THAI : Sabu daeng, Salot daeng, Si lot.

Jatropha gossypiifolia L. var. elegans Müll. Arg.

CHINESE :  野烈顏麻風樹  Ye lie yan ma feng shu (Taiwan).

Jatropha gossypiifolia L. var. staphysagrifolia (Mill.) Müll. Arg.

SYNONYM(S) :   Jatropha staphysagrifolia Mill.

Jatropha hastata Jacq.

SYNONYM(S) :    Adenoropium hastatum (Jacq.) Britton & P.Wilson, Jatropha integerrima Jacq. var. hastata (Jacq.) Fosberg

FRENCH :  Médicinier des Indes.

JAPANESE :    火 焔油桐.

PORTUGUESE :  Pinhão da Índia.

RUSSIAN :  Ятрофа цельнокрайняя  Iatrofa tsel'nokrainiaia.

SPANISH :  Peregrina (Cuba), Yuramira.

This species and its synonyms are considered as synonyms of  Jatropha integerrima Jacq.

Jatropha integerrima Jacq.

SYNONYM(S) :    Adenoropium integerrimum (Jacq.) Pohl,  Jatropha pandurifolia Andr.  

CHINESE :   琴葉櫻  Qin ye ying (Taiwan).

ENGLISH :  Peregrina, Rose-flowered jatropha, Spicy jatropha.

JAPANESE :    ヤ トロファ・インテゲリマ  Yatorofa integerima.

RUSSIAN :  Ятрофа цельнокрайняя Iatrofa tsel'nokrainiaia, Коралловый цветок Korallovyi tsvetok.

SPANISH :  Alelí, Alhelí, Peregrina.

THAI : Pattawia.

Jatropha integerrima Jacq. var. integerrima

SPANISH :  Peregrina.

Jatropha macrantha Müll.Arg.

JAPANESE :  ヤトロファ・マクランサ  Yatorofa makuransa.

SPANISH :  Huanarpo macho (Chili).

Jatropha macrocarpa Griseb.

SPANISH :   Higuera del zorro (Argentina), Higuerilla (Argentina), Sacha higuera (Argentina).

Jatropha macrorhiza Benth.

ENGLISH :  Ragged nettlespurge.

JAPANESE :  ヤト ロファ・マクロリザ   Yatorofa makuroriza.

SPANISH :  Jalapa, Jicamilla.

Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill.

SYNONYM(S) :   Adenoropium mollissimum Pohl

Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill. var. glabra Müll.Arg.

Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill. var. mollissima

SYNONYM(S) :   Adenoropium villosum Pohl, Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill. var. divergens (Pohl) Müll.Arg.,  Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill. var. subglabra Müll.Arg.,  Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill. var. velutina Pax & K.Hoffm., Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill. var. villosa (Pohl) Müll.Arg.,  Jatropha villosa (Pohl) Baill., nom. illeg., Jatropha villosa (Pohl) Baill. var. mollissima Müll.Arg.

Jatropha multifida L.

SYNONYM(S) :   Adenoropium multifidum (L.) Pohl

CHINESE :  細裂珊瑚油桐   Xi lie shan hu you tong (Taiwan).

ENGLISH :  Coral bush, Coral plant, Physic nut.

FRENCH :  Médicinier, Médicinier espagnol, Pignon d'Inde, Plante bouteille.

JAPANESE :  ヤト ロファ・ムルチフィダ   Yatorofa muruchifida,   天狗の葉団扇 .

RUSSIAN :  Ятрофа мультифида  Iatrofa mul'tifida, Ятрофа рассеченная  Iatrofa rassechennaia, Коралловое дерево  Korallovoe derevo.

SPANISH :  Árvore coral, Árvore de bálsamo, Árvore de coral, Árvore dos corais, Árnica, Avellano purgante, Cabalonga, Cabalongo, Ceibilla, Coral dos jardins, Coral vegetal, Chayo coral, Chicaquil, Dontomás, Emético vegetal, Flor de coral, Flor de sangre, Nuez vómica cubana, Palo de fraile, Piñón de España, Piñón extranjero, Piñón vómico,  Tártago chicaquil, Tártago emético, Tártara, Tártaro, Yuca cimarrona.
THAI : Fin ton, Ma hung daeng (Northern Thailand), Malako farang (Bangkok).

Jatropha pelargoniifolia Courbai 

SYNONYM(S) :   Jatropha villosa (Forssk.) Müll. Arg.  var. pelargoniifolia (Courbai) Chiov.

ENGLISH :  Pelargonium-leaved jatropha.

Jatropha pelargoniifolia Courbai  var. glabra (Müll.Arg.) Radcl.-Sm. 

SYNONYM(S) :   Jatropha glandulosa Vahl. var. glabra (Müll.Arg.) Radcl.-Sm.,  Jatropha villosa (Forssk.) Müll. Arg. var. glabra Müll.Arg.

Jatropha pelargoniifolia var. pelargoniifolia

SYNONYM(S) :   Croton villosus Forssk., Jatropha glandulosa Vahl, nom. illeg.  Jatropha pelargoniifolia Courbai  var. glandulosa (Pax) Radcl.-Sm., Jatropha villosa (Forssk.) Müll. Arg., Jatropha villosa (Forssk.) Müll. Arg.  var. genuina Müll.Arg., nom. inval. , Jatropha villosa (Forssk.) Müll. Arg. var. glandulosa Pax

Jatropha pelargoniifolia Courbai  var. sublobata (O. Schwarz) Radcl.-Sm.

SYNONYM(S) :   Jatropha glandulosa Vahl var. sublobata (O.Schwarz) Radcl.-Sm.,  Jatropha pelargoniifolia Courbai  var. sublobata (O. Schwarz) Radcl.-Sm., Jatropha villosa (Forssk.) Müll. Arg. var. sublobata O. Schwarz

Jatropha podagrica Hook.

CHINESE :  珊瑚油桐  Shan hu you tong (Taiwan).

ENGLISH :  Australian bottle plant, Coral plant, Gout plant, Goutystalk nettlespurge, Gout stick (Aust.), Gouty-stalked nettlespurge, Guatemala rhubarb (Aust.), Physic nut.

FRENCH :  Médicinier, Pignon d'Inde, Plante bouteille.

RUSSIAN :   Ятрофа подагрическая  Iatrofa podagricheskaia, Ятрофа подагрика Iatrofa podagrika.

SPANISH :  Jatrofa, Tártago, Tártogo.

Jatropha spathulata (Ortega) Muell.& Arg.

SYNONYM(S) :   Jatropha dioica Cerv.

SPANISH :  Sangre de drago.

Synonyms of  Jatropha dioica Sessé ?

 Jatropha spicata Pax

SYNONYM(S) :   Jatropha kilimandscharica Pax & K.Hoffm., Jatropha messinica E.A.Bruce, Jatropha pseudoglandulifera Pax

JAPANESE :   ヤトロファ・スピカータ   Yatorofa supikaata.

RUSSIAN :  Ятрофа спиката Iatrofa spikata.

Jatropha variabilis Radcl.-Sm.

JAPANESE :  ヤトロファ・バリアビリス   Yatorofa bariabirisu.

Jatropha variifolia Pax 

SYNONYM(S) :  Jatropha heterophylla Pax

JAPANESE :  ヤトロファ・バリフォリア   Yatorofa bariforia.


Jatropha villosa (Forssk.) Müll. Arg.

SYNONYM(S) :   Croton villosus Forssk.

Synonym of  Jatropha pelargoniifolia Courbai var. pelargoniifolia

Jatropha zeyheri Sond.

SYNONYM(S) :  Jatropha brachyadenia Pax & K.Hoffm., Jatropha zeyheri Sond. var. platyphylla Pax, Jatropha zeyheri Sond. var. subsimplex Prain

JAPANESE :  ヤトロファ・ゼイヘリー  Yatorofa zeiherii.



Porcher Michel H. et al. 1995 - 2020, Sorting Jatropha Names. Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database - A Work in Progress. Faculty of Land & Food Resources. The University of Melbourne. Australia. < > (2007).

General Bibliography




Specific & complementary


Baenninger Valérie, Klopper Ronell et al, 2007, Base de données des Plantes à fleurs d'Afrique. Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genève & South African National Biodiversity Institute - South African botanical Diversity Network, Pretoria, accès August 2007, Genus Jatropha L. < > (almost complete list of accepted species). Search engine at < >.

Cardoso da Silva Patrícia Regina , 2006, Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. Sistema Brasileiro de respostas técnicas. RETEC/BA – Rede de Tecnologia da Bahia. SBRT – Serviço Brasileiro de Respostas Técnicas. <  >.

Griffith Chuck , 1996 - 2005, Dictionary of Botanical Epithets. < >. Still one of the best.

Board of Trustees, 2007,  World Checklist of Selected Plant Families - Jatropha.  Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. < > (complete list of species - accepted & synonyms).

Olivier Daniélo, 2007, Jatropha curcas : un plante à très fort potentiel. Planète Bleue. < >.

USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available:  12 August 2007). (GRIN)

Contributors to this page (Personal communication) :
In progress.



1. The Italian name "Ricino maggiore" is applied mostly to a species of Ricinus, only occasionally to Jatropha due the common characteristics of the seeds. This is also reflected in all the names referring to the purgative effects of the seeds.

2. Gifboom is applied to a few other poisonous species in South Africa.

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Date created: 18 / 09 / 2004
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Last modified: 17 / 08 / 2007
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Copyright © 1995 - 2020, I.L.F.R. - The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher,