Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
achmadii Widjaja (PROSEA)
MALAY : Buluh apo (Sumatra).
albociliata (Munro) Kurz
(GRIN,Dransfield & Widjaja) -> Pseudoxytenanthera
albociliata (Munro)
Nguyen (OHRN)
SYNONYM(S) : Gigantochloa apus Kurz ex Munro, Gigantochloa apus (J.A. & J.H. Schultes) Kurz (PROSEA) , Gigantochloa apus (Bl. ex Schult. f.) Kurz., Bambusa apus Bl. ex Schult. f., Gigantochloa kurzii Gamble (PROSEA) , Gigantochloa takserah Camuso
BURMESE : Wa do, Wa pado, Wa tho.
HINDI : Tekserah.
MADURESE : Perreng tale.
MALAY : Bambu tali (Indonesia), Bambu ulet, Deling apus (Java), Bambu apus (Indonesia), Pring apes, Pring apus (Java), Pring tali (Java), Tiying tali (Bali).
SUNDANESE : Awi tali.
Photograph by Hans Erken at Earthcare Enterprises.
Photograph at BambooDownUnder, Australia.
Photograph at Tropical Bamboos.
atroviolacea Widjaja (GRIN)
ENGLISH : Black asper, Black bamboo, Java black bamboo.
MALAY : Bambu hitam (Indonesia), Pring wulung, Pring ireng, Pring ulung (Java).
SUNDANESE : Awi hideung.
Photographs by E. Haverfield & Saporito at Tropical Bamboos.
Photograph in gallery at BambooDownUnder, Australia.
Gigantochloa atroviolacea Widjaja ' Timor
SYNONYM(S) : Bambusa lako hort.
ENGLISH : Timor black bamboo.
MALAY : Bambu betung hitam (Indonesia), ????? Tetu, au lako, au metan, au lako meta ?????.
Photograph and description at Bamboo world (go down the table to B. lako and "Show Picture" button). < http://www.bambooworld.com.au/pages/SpeciesRef.html >.
Photograph at BambooDownUnder, Australia.
Photograph at Bamboo Land, Australia.
Photograph at Bamboo Land, Australia.
Gigantochloa atroviolacea
Widjaja ' Tropical Black'
ENGLISH : Tropical black bamboo.
atter (Hassk.) Kurz
SYNONYM(S) : Bambusa thouarsii Kunth var. atter Hassk. (Hô,PROSEA), Gigantochloa verticillata (Willd.) Munro, sensu Baker (PROSEA)
MADURESE : Péréng keles, Perreng keles.
MALAY : Bambu ater (Indonesia), Buluh jawa (Eastern-Indonesia), Pring wulung.
SUNDANESE : Awi teme , Awi temen.
TAGALOG : Kayali.
Photograph at BambooDownUnder, Australia.
Photograph by Hans Erken at Earthcare Enterprises.
Photograph at Tropical Bamboos.
ENGLISH : Bambu 'Pring Legi' (Indonesia).
MALAY : Bambu santong (Indonesia), Pring Legi (Indonesia), Tiying suntong (Bali).
SUNDANESE : Awi teme.
Photograph by Hans Erken at Earthcare Entreprises.
SYNONYM(S) : Bambusa auriculata Kurz (OHRN), Oxytenanthera auriculata (Kurz) Prain (OHRN)
BURMESE : Talaku wa, Wa xxx.
FRENCH : Bambou balui, Bambou cultivé d'Indochine.
MALAY : Bambu taris (Brunei, Sabah), Buluh abe (Kalimantan), Buluh balui (Brunei), Balui (Sabah, Sarawak), Buluh taris (Borneo).
BURMESE : xxx.
SYNONYM(S) : Schizostachyum hasskarlianum Kurz (PROSEA,W3Tropicos)
MALAY : Bambu lengka tali, Buloh busi (Kalimantan), Buluh didi (Sumatra), Buluh lekukai (Sumatra), Buluh mayan (Sumatra), Buluh sorik (Sumatra), Pring jajang kapur, Pring jajang kertas, Tiying putih (Bali).
SUNDANESE : Awi lengka tali, Awi tela.
Photograph by R. Saporito at Tropical Bamboos.
Gigantochloa kurzii
Gamble (PROSEA) ->
Gigantochloa apus (Schult. & Schult. f.)
Kurz (GRIN)
Gigantochloa kurzii Gamble, pro parte (PROSEA) -> Gigantochloa wrayi Gamble (GRIN,PROSEA)
levis (Blanco) Merr. (GRIN,PROSEA)
SYNONYM(S) : Bambusa levis Blanco (Masman) , Gigantochloa scribneriana Merrill, , Dendrocalamus curranii Gamble
Guang sun zhu.
ENGLISH : Poring bamboo, Smooth-shoot gigantochloa.
MALAY : Buluh betung (Indonesia), Buluh pering, Buluh poring, Buluh suluk (Borneo-Kalimantan), Buluh tup (Borneo), Paling (Sabah), Pering (Sabah), Poring (Sabah).
TAGALOG : Boho, Bolo.
VISAYAN : Kabolian ?
Photographs by R. Saporito at Tropical Bamboos.
MALAY : Buloh tikus, Buloh tilan, Buloh tumpat.
THAI : Phai damphra, Phai lai, Phai nae.
SYNONYM(S) : Gigantochloa ligulata Gamble 'Mata Rusa'
MALAY : Buloh bilalai, Buloh gala, Buloh mata rusa.
MALAY : Pring manggong (East-Java), Tiying jahe (Bali).
BURMESE : xxx.
Photographs by R. Saporito at Tropical Bamboos.
SYNONYM(S) : Bambusa nigrociliata Büse, Oxytenanthera nigrociliata (Büse) Kurz. , Oxytenanthera nigrociliata (Büse) Munro (PROSEA), Schizostachyum serpentinum Kurz (PROSEA)
ENGLISH : Black-fringed giant grass, Black-hair giant bamboo.
MALAY : Bambu lengka, Tiying tabah (Bali).
SUNDANESE : Awi lengka, Awi ular.
SYNONYM(S) : Oxytenanthera parviflora Keng f. (Wang)
Nan qiao dian zhu,
hua dian zhu.
ENGLISH : Small-flowered Yunnan bamboo.
RUSSIAN : Oksitenantera melkotsvetkovaya.
MALAY : Buluh belangke, Buluh regen, Buluh yakyak.
SYNONYM(S) : Bambusa pseudoarundinacea Steud., Gigantochloa pseudo-arundinacea (Steud.) Widj. (Hô), Gigantochloa verticillata (Willd.) Munro, Gigantochloa maxima sensu Kurz, Gigantochloa maxima Kurz var. major Kurz ex Teijsmann & Binnendjik (OHRN)
ENGLISH : West-Java hollow-culmed bamboo, West Java pipe-bamboo.
MALAY : Bambu gombong (Indonesia), Buluh batuang danto (Sumatra), Pring surat (Java).
SUNDANESE : Awi andong, Awi gombong (Indonesia).
Photograph in gallery at BambooDownUnder, Australia.
Photograph at Bamboo Land, Australia.
Photographs at Tropical Bamboos.
ENGLISH : Small West Java edible bamboo.
SUNDANESE : Awi andong keukeus (West Java).
This form is begging for a botanical name.
ENGLISH : West Java edible bamboo.
SUNDANESE : Awi andong leah (West Java).
This form is begging for a botanical name.
SYNONYM(S) : Gigantochloa maxima Kurz var. ridleyi (Holttum) Shamsuddin (OHRN)
MALAY : Tiying aya (Bali), Tiying kaas (Bali), Tiying jajang (Bali), Tiying jajang batu (Bali).
SYNONYM(S) : Gigantochloa verticillata (Willd.) Munro, sensu Backer
MALAY : Buluh poring, Buluh riau, Buluh riaw (West Sumatra), Rebung (Indonesia), Rebong (Singapore), Tiying jelepung (Java, Bali).
SUNDANESE : Awi mayan.
Photograph at BambooDownUnder, Australia.
Photograph at Tropical Bamboos.
Gigantochloa rostrata
K. M. Wong (OHRN)
SYNONYM(S) : Gigantochloa maxima Kurz var. minor Kurz ex Holttum (OHRN), Gigantochloa maxima Kurz var. minor Kurz ex Teijsmann & Binnendjik (OHRN)
MALAY : Bambu andong kecil.
Gigantochloa scortechinii Gamble
MALAY : Buloh gala, Buloh kapal, Buloh rayah, Buloh semantan, Buloh telor.
Gigantochloa scortechinii Gamble var. albovestita
Holttum (PROSEA)
MALAY : Buloh seremai.
Gigantochloa scortechinii Gamble var. scortechinii
MALAY : Buloh rayah.
thoii K. M. Wong (GRIN,PROSEA)
SYNONYM(S) : Gigantochloa verticillata auct. (GRIN), Gigantochloa levis (Blanco) Merrill sensu Holttum (PROSEA), Gigantochloa levis (Blanco) Merrill sensu Widjaja (PROSEA), Gigantochloa verticillata (Willd.) Munro, sensu Ridley (PROSEA)
MALAY : Buloh betung, Pring srat.
VIETNAMESE : Tre vùon.
Gigantochloa verticillata (Willd.) Munro
SYNONYM(S) : Bambusa verticillata Willd. (GRIN) , Nastus verticillatus (Willd.) Sm. (W3Tropicos)
MALAY : Pring srat (Java).
SUNDANESE : Awi andong (Indonesia).
VIETNAMESE : Tre vùon.
Photographs by R. Saporito & R. Waldron at Tropical Bamboos.
wrayi Gamble (GRIN,OHRN,PROSEA)
SYNONYM(S) : Gigantochloa kurzii Gamble, pro parte (PROSEA), Gigantochloa maxima Kurz var. viridis Holttum (PROSEA)
MALAY : Buloh beti , Buloh manis , Buloh mata rusa, Buloh minyak, Buloh rusa, Buluh dabo (Sumatra).
Photograph at BambooDownUnder, Australia.
Azmy Hj. Mohamed , 1995, Gigantochloa scortechinii. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 120 - 123.
Dransfield S. 1995, Gigantochloa ligulata. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 111 - 113.
Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Minor Bamboos, Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 150 - 151.
Duriyaprapan S. & Jansen P.C.M. 1995, Gigantochloa albociliata. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 98 - 100.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://eurodic.echo.lu/cgi-bin/edicbin/EuroDicWWW.pl?page=expert > (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Latin with authority names)
Hô Pham-hoang, 1993, An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam, Vol. III, N° 2, Smilacaceae, Cyperaceae, Orchidaceae & Poaceae. Montreal .
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Ohrnberger D. (Dieter), 1999, The Bamboos of the World, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdan, The Netherlands.
Rifai M.A. 1995, Gigantochloa atter. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 104 - 106.
Schroeter A.I., Panasiuk V.A. & Bykov V.A. (Editor), 1999, Dictionary of Plant Names, Koeltz Scientific Books, Germany. (Chinese - traditional, Chinese - romanised, Russian, English, Latin).
Sutiyono & Widjaja E.A. 1995, Gigantochloa manggong. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 113 - 114.
USDA, ARS, 2000, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?gigantochloa (09 January 2001).
Widjaja E.A. 1995, Gigantochloa apus & Gigantochloa atroviolacea. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 100 - 104.
Widjaja E.A. 1995, Gigantochloa hasskarliana. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 107 - 109.
Widjaja E.A. 1995, Gigantochloa nigrociliata, Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea & Gigantochloa robusta. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 114 - 120.
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Wong K. M. 1995, Gigantochloa balui. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 106 - 107.
Wong K. M. 1995, Gigantochloa levis. In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 109 - 111.
Wong K. M. 1995, Gigantochloa thoii & Gigantochloa wrayi . In : Dransfield S. & Widjaja E. A. (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, N.7, Bamboos. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 123 - 126.
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
Date created: 03 / 01 / 2001
Authorised by Prof. Snow Barlow
Last modified: 08 / 02 / 2002
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Copyright © 1995 - 2002, The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher, E-Mail: m.porcher@landfood.unimelb.edu.au